Fulfill Your Potential to Become a Leader


Who is EIW?

Entrepreneurial Institute of Washington or EIW as we call it, is a 501c3 non profit organization founded to provide individuals and small businesses with professional and leadership development, business support services and technical assistance.  Serving partners nationwide.


To improve the skill set of our local workforce and develop a resilient base of job creating entrepreneurs in Washington State by providing small businesses advisory, professional and technical assistance designed to streamline organizational systems, increasing the technological capabilities and leadership skills of the owners and their workforce.


To build and sustain a nationally recognized capacity program that provides individuals and our partners with “state of the art” business solutions and training resources, back office support and physical space for member firm offices, video conferences and to hold general meetings.

Our Strategies

EIW accelerates community capacity building by leveraging an experienced and talented group of organizational partners, aggregated with relevant, current and future industry related information and promoting the inclusion of disenfranchised individuals including people of color, veterans, former felons, and young people in hiring, procurement and contracting at all levels.

Strategic Initiatives for Growth and Impact

  • Build A Nationally Recognized Mentor Protege Program
  • Expand Continuing Education Programming
  • Create Jobs And Increase Skills Of Workforce Through Collaborations With Area Technical Schools, Community Colleges And Universities
  • Recruit Collegiate Interns Under Graduate And Graduate Students To Assist In Planning And Strategic Initiatives
  • Gain Momentum And Establish Physical Incubator Space
  • Attract Investors And/Or Secure Funding To Make Available To Partner For Short Term Capital, Housing And Project Financing
  • Research And Adopt Best Practices To Insure EIW Continues To Be A Viable Vehicle To Accelerate Economic Recovery In Washington State.